Dennis Glen Morrell: Let’s stick to the facts about climate change

Glenn Carstens-Peters/StockSnap

Glenn Carstens-Peters/StockSnap

Published: 01-20-2025 10:09 AM

Letter writer Russell Cook’s Jan. 9 response to Joe Silverman’s column “Climate in the court of public opinion” [Jan. 3] focused on climate change issues long since debunked [”Climate in the full court of impartial public opinion”]. His letter even cited Vice President Al Gore’s climate change campaign of nearly 20 years ago. Remember the TV ads with the lonely polar bear?

The focus now must be on other matters, such as the serious military consequences of climate change. For example, global warming has led to a changing Arctic environment. That has led to a changing military reality, with China and Russia competing with the U.S. military for domination of the region. Additionally, the U.S. military responses to climate change include abandoning or modifying bases, like Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, being rebuilt to make it “hurricane proof.” Meanwhile, retired Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni has called climate change a “petri dish for terrorism.”

Cook’s letter also refers to climate science as “settled science.” Nonsense. It is only as good as the last set of data and theory it is tested against. In complex areas like climate science, the science is never settled but ready to be revised with up-to-date information.

Nor is climate science“overblown.” In fact, climate scientists have recently admitted that their models have been insufficient to describe events such as rapid intensification of hurricanes and typhoons. Silverman’s message is that climate change needs to be understood as a kitchen table issue. As he points out, that will require better public communication.

Dennis Glen Morrell
