Jacki Dupre: Do your homework, South Hadley


Published: 11-06-2024 10:21 PM

I am writing to express my concern regarding proposed Article 9, which the South Hadley Planning Board intends to bring to a vote at the special Town Meeting on Nov. 13. In talking to my neighbors and people I know in town, many are totally unaware this is about to happen. Should it pass, our town will change drastically.

Article 9 will reduce the required parcel size from the current 5 acres down to 3. It will increase the number of eligible lots from 197 to 326. On a 3-acre parcel there could be nearly a dozen units per acre.

Please, look around your neighborhood, the streets that you drive or walk through every day. Notice all the areas where there is land with trees that provide refuge for wildlife, clean the air, absorb water runoff and enhance our quality of life. Think about how you would feel if that area had 30 units of housing on it.

Then think about the possibility of that on 326 parcels scattered around the town. Would you still want to live here with that kind of density? I strongly believe that the world is not counting on South Hadley alone to solve the housing crisis. Let’s make sure South Hadley is still a desirable place to live in 20 years, prepared to face the challenges of the ongoing climate crisis.

Go on the Planning Board website, look at the proposal. Contact your Town Meeting representatives and tell them to vote no on this article.

Jacki Dupre

Precinct B Town Meeting member, South Hadley

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